Saturday, November 30, 2013

Huskies for the Holidays...

Hi everyone, it is me Kya.

I wanted to take the time to let you know what I have planned for the holiday season.

As you all know, I love to run.  I loving running more than anything else.

I am also an adopted husky and have two pretty amazing parents (and two kitty cat siblings).  My parents adopted me and quickly spoiled me and have given me such a wonderful life.  I am very grateful for them and only wish that every dog that is up for adoption would end up with parents like mine.

I have been trying to think of a way to combine my love of running and a way to raise money for other animals in need.

That is when my dad suggested Huskies for the Holidays.

For every mile that I run or walk between Thanksgiving and New Years, my mom and dad will donate a dollar to a local Kansas City shelter.  If you know my mom, you know that she loves to run too and those dollars will add up fast.  Plus, with all of the time my dad takes off around Christmas, we will for sure rack up some miles hiking.  

Mom and I have already run 10 miles so far!  Basically, I already have $10 in the bank.

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