Saturday, January 25, 2020

Christkindlmarkts 2019...Day 3: Munich and Augsburg...

Our first full day in Munich started with me going for a run.  I know I have said it before, but running on vacation is one of my favorite things.  I really love running in Munich and running all around the markets and to the park.  It is so relaxing.

I ran around the Marienplatz and passed my favorite gluhwein stahl!

I stopped by the Christmas Pyramid to say Good Morning!

People were already lined up for gluhwein!

It was unseasonable warm, so we decided that we would take the S-Bahn to the Munich Zoo.  We love going to the zoo to see different animals.  We visited the Vienna Zoo in 2016 and it was so fun!  I was kind of surprised that after five trips to Munich that this was our first trip to the zoo.

We were so excited to be at the zoo!

We walked around the zoo and saw all of our favorite animals including, the lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, and polar bears.  One of our favorites was an encounter with a group of monkeys.

This happened and my maturity level definitely required a picture

There was a German couple next to us that was also filming and laughing.  I suppose a monkey with his red rocket out is funny in any language.

The lions were so beautiful.

After we walked around the zoo, we took the S-Bahn back to Munich.  We decided to stop by the Residenz Christkindlmarkt for lunch.  We had remembered from previous trips that they had great food options.  That held true again this year!

The Residenz Christkindlmarkt, a great lunch spot. 

We shopped around the market and stopped by the hotel before catching the train to Augsburg, Germany.  Augsburg is a short train ride away on the Bayern Ticket.  We arrived just as it was getting dark and made our way to the city center to the market.

Guess what Augsburg has????  A Christmas Pyramid!

On Fridays there is an angel performance that happens in the city hall.  There were a lot of people gathered around to watch.  It was kind of nice to see and kind of creepy too.  We watched with our gluhwein and hundreds of other people.

Augsburg Angel Performance

The Augsburg Christkindlmarkt is beautiful!  It was also very crowded.  We were there on a Friday night, so we took it in stride.

We were loving the gluhwein and the atmosphere around the market.  This market had several unique gluhwein glasses, including wine glasses.

I found this handsome guy by the gluhwein stahl.

The Christmas tree looked especially beautiful by the Christmas Pyramid.

As I have said before, the Christkindlmarkts have an atmosphere that is difficult to describe.  They are full of happy people that are enjoying the season.  The Augsburg market was no different.  It was beautiful.

We took the train back to Munich and ended the night with dumplings and noodles at the Asian restaurant by our hotel. A few Aperol Spritz may have been included as well...It was a great day around Munich and Augsburg.

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