Thursday, May 2, 2019

Girls' Day!

Over Easter weekend, Ken and Rob made plans for a camping trip which left Michelle and me on our own.  We decided that a girls' day with a slumber party was in order!  It has been quite a while since we had an official slumber party and the Jackson girls were ready!

Kya and I picked Jill up and headed to Michelle's before going to one of our favorite places, Somerset Ridge.  

Kya was so happy to be joining the girls!

Three blondes and a husky.  Do not let Kya's face fool you, she was having a lot of fun at the winery.

Kya loves her Aunt Michelle so much.  Michelle treats Kya like one of her own.  

Jill, Michelle, and me.  We laughed so hard at the winery.  Laughter with good friends is something I think everyone needs.

We left the winery and started driving to Michelle's.  On the way, we took a slight detour and stopped off at a local bar called the Hideout.  Kya even went into the bar.  

Kya was pretty embarrassed by some of the shenanigans that were taking place.

I wish I could explain what was happening

Taking on the Hideout

The wheels kind of started falling off at this point.  We got to Michelle's and ate a little dinner and spent the remainder of the evening on the deck laughing and dancing.  

Louie enjoyed a bone

We enjoyed wine and snacks.  It was such a fun day!

Thanks to Michelle for hosting us girls!

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