Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where to Begin...

I am not even sure where to start.  I was still a little sore on Monday after the half marathon on Sunday, so I took the day off from running and Ken and I rode our bikes.  It had been a while since we rode them.  We went to Hillsdale lake and enjoyed a 10 mile bike ride.  It started to get dark at the very end, which is just a reminder that winter will be here soon.

Tuesday, I had a great run.  I ran 5.25 by myself on my hilly route and stopped and picked up Kya to finish for a full 6.5 miles.  Unfortunately, a dog came out and attacked us while we were running.  I was fortunate not to get bit this time, but Kya did have to fight the other dog off of us.  Nice, I hate when people do not have their dogs on a leash or behind a fence.  I live in a neighborhood and not out in the country, so this is completely unacceptable.  All of this aside, Kya and I finished the run in 58:56 including the time Kya spent fighting like a champ to protect her mommy.  Kya is not a mean dog at all, but has had to protect me on more than one occasion.  Last time, she had to fight off the evil cocker spaniel that bit me.  Yeah, I did not know cocker spaniels could be mean either.  :)

Wednesday, went to the gym and ran 4 x .25 at 7.5 miles per hour.  This is getting easier.  I ran a 1.5 mile warm up and half mile cool down.  Kya got to go for a W-A-L-K too. 

Thursday, I ran six miles and took Miss Kya for two of them.  No dog attacks and I do not remember our time.

I planned to wake up early on Saturday to do a long run, but sleeping in sounded so much better!  I ran 3.25 miles with Kya before heading out to go shopping with a friend. 

Since I was lazy on Saturday, I was going to run 10 miles on Sunday.  Did. Not. Happen.  Nope, I was not feeling it at all.  I got a mile from my house and my legs felt like lead.  I decided that it was not worth the misery and trotted back home and was able to finish 2.5 miles.

I was mad at myself all day yesterday for the crappy running over the weekend.  I finally felt better when I went home last night and ran six miles with Kya out in the drizzle.  It was a lot cooler and Kya can start logging more miles with me if the cooler weather stays!


Tina @GottaRunNow said...

Sorry about the dog troubles! Terrible!

Glad it's cooling off for you! It makes a huge difference!

Wendy said...

The cooler weather has been so nice to run in!