Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Birthday, 2019 Edition...

My birthday fun started out the Thursday prior with my winning a special award at work.  I won Preceptor of the Year for the entire health system.  I was completely shocked and so appreciative that the hospital recognizes all of the hard work I do in training new nurses.  Preceptor means trainer, if you are busy trying to google it.  :)  It is such a great honor.  I have been training new nurses non-stop for the past two years, and while I love it, it is also a lot of hard work.

I was given the honor at a Preceptor conference, which included about 500 preceptors from the health system.  

My unit spoiled me the next day complete with snacks an signs and all types of well wishes.

A urinal makes the best vase!

Two or my babies being silly.  This sums up their personalities perfectly!  These two were the first two nurses that I trained.  I have to say, the three months that I spent with each of these two was definitely the highlight of my career.  We laughed so much during each of their orientations.  I am so happy they are my co-workers!

On Saturday, Ken treated me to a fun night out complete with dinner and cocktails.  Michelle and Rob joined us and we had a great time.

Michelle and me at Farina

Michelle was so sweet and treated me to a bottle of Champagne as a celebration of my award at work.  It was so delicious and such a kind thing to do!

We ended the night with cocktails at Manifesto.

The next day,  our neighbor Kyle came over and brought me a gift.  He surprised me with a painting that he had painted of Theodore.  I instantly burst into tears when I saw it.  It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.  It was so thoughtful.

My little Theodore.  I will treasure this forever.

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