Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christkindlmarkts 2023...Day 8: Christmas Eve

The Marienplatz Christkindlmarkt closes prompting at 2:00 pm on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed the market for final snacks and shopped around a bit for a few gifts. Sadly, it was raining so we were dodging the rain a bit. We decided to forego lunch at the market and was able to to get inside the Augustiner just before they stopped serving lunch and drinks for the day.

Christmas Eve lunch at the Augustiner

We dropped our purchases from the market off in our hotel room and decided to go for a long walk in Englischer Garten Park. It was a nice beautiful chilly day to enjoy the park. We were delighted to see that gluhwein was being sold at one of the stalls at the Chinesischen Turm Christkindlmarkt. Of course, we had to stop to enjoy a final gluhwein!

My handsome husband enjoying the last gluhwein of the season.

As we were leaving the park, we noticed that one of the drink spots we love so much in the summer was open and serving gluhwein! We had just enough cash left to be able to enjoy one more. Luckily for me, this stall sells rose!

Englischer Garten Park Gluhwein stall, open on Christmas Eve!

Buying our gluhwein

Three gluhwein options at this location

We were not the only ones taking advantage of this stall on Christmas Eve

So happy to be enjoying a bonus gluhwein!

This being our third time to spend Christmas Eve in Munich, we knew that our dining options would be limited. We also knew from last year, that there is a small cafe that is open that serves slices of pizza. We had pizza slices to go last year, but enjoyed pizza and drinks inside the cafe this year.

Christmas Eve dinner!

After pizza, we walked through the Marienplatz one final time to bid farewell, as we were leaving in the morning. 

Merry Christmas Eve!!

We ended the night with a glass of wine and paprika chips in our hotel room and feeling grateful that we got to visit our favorite city during Christmas.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christkindlmarkts 2023...Day 7: Augsburg

A perfect day trip from Munich is to Augsburg. It is approximately a 30-minute train ride on a regional train. We had such a wonderful time visiting here last year that we wanted to make sure and visit again. It is such an easy day trip that I think it is a not to be missed location during Christmas.

We arrived late in the afternoon to enjoy the market at dusk. I remembered from other visits here that they have so many different drink options with different styles of mugs and glasses.

Augsburg Christkindlmarkt

Augsburg has a Christmas Pyramid!

It was 

Enjoying our special mulled syrah!

After taking this picture a man approached us after hearing us speak English. He was from the US and had moved to Germany a few years ago after he reconnected with a German lady that he had met while he was in his 20's and stationed in Germany. Facebook helped to reconnect them and they were both single and thought why not! He told us that he gets homesick and likes to come to the market and listen for American English and talk to American tourists. We enjoyed talking to him and listening to his life in Germany including how he was able to get insurance. 

Sweet treats in Augsburg

The Augsburg Christkindlmarkt

My favorite photo from the evening

One of the busiest gluhwein stalls in Augsburg. It was drizzling and we found a dry spot under the Christmas tree to enjoy our gluhwein until the drizzle passed.

The market does get busy!

We shopped around for a while buying a few things for home. We ended up at the same stall as last year and the lady running it remembered me from last year. She was very kind and boxed my items for me very nicely so that I could get them home safely.

Shopping in Augsburg

We had such a fun time in Augsburg!

We had a short train ride back to Munich and we made it in time to enjoy our favorite gluhwein stall one more time in the dark. The Christkindlmarkts close at 14:00 on Christmas Eve, so I always like to make sure we can enjoy the market in Munich on the 23rd at night time.

Getting gluhwein at our favorite stall. Rose for me and Rot for Ken.

One of the reasons we love this gluhwein stall so much is that there is a seating area inside complete with a fireplace!

We enjoyed our gluhwein, closed down the market, and went back to our hotel to watch Christmas movies in bed.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for the win!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Christkindlmarkts 2023...Day 6: A Lazy Munich Day

Friday was another lazy day in Munich. We had planned on a day trip to Augsburg, but with the weather forecast being unpredictable, we decided we were better off staying in Munich. Neither of us slept well again overnight so we slept in and had breakfast at the last moment before getting ready for the day. We made our first stop of the day the Medival Market. I ended up getting some nice gifts here last year and wanted to shop around it again during the day when it is not as packed as it is at night!

It was drizzling again today so we did our best to stay dry.

Munich's Medival Market on a less busy early afternoon.

For whatever reason, we always buy some candied nuts at this market and walk around and enjoy them while we shop and sip our gluhwein. 

We had an earlier dinner at Eataly and enjoyed shopping around the store. We had found a wine bar in the Viktualienmarket last year and we decided we would stop by and enjoy a little non-mulled wine for a bit.

Enjoying wine at the bar of the wine bar. It was very busy and clearly a favorite with locals after work. 

We left the wine bar and walked through the Rinkermarkt so that I could see my beloved Christmas Pyramid.

The Rindermarkt is such a great area away from the main Marienplatz market. 

The Christmas Pyramid, looking fantastic in the Rindermarkt

We walked home through the Marienplatz so that we could stop off at the Augustiner for a little Bierhalle action. 

It was probably our most low-key day of the trip. Between the unpredictable weather and our lack of sleep, relaxing around Munich was just what we needed.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christkindlmarkts 2023...Day 5: Munich

We woke up to a rainy day on Thursday. We tried to take advantage of breaks in the rain and skip out for small amounts. I did find time to run and of course I ran around the Marienplatz and saw the Marienplatz from one of my favorite viewpoints. 

Marienplatz scenes during my run.

It ended up raining more and we decided to relax in our hotel room during the storm. We both had a difficult time sleeping during this trip and found that we enjoyed afternoons in our hotel more than usual. 

Once the rain finally slowed down a bit, we ventured out to the closest gluhwein stall near our hotel. We ended up enjoying gluhwein with some Americans we met here that were originally from Chicago but now live in Tennessee. We talked to them for quite awhile about music and other things. 

Gluhwein is amazing, rain or shine.

Gluhwein and spiral potatoes make me happy!

The rain started to get heavy again so we darted into our favorite gluhwein stall to sit by the fire and watch others run around in the rain. 

My forever favorite Gluhwein stall in Munich!

Warm by the fire with rose gluhwein in hand

Once the rain stopped, we walked to Englischer Garten Park to the Chinesischen Turm Christkindlmarkt, which happens to be Ken's favorite market.

Englischer Garten Park's Weihnachtsmarkt

Eisstockschiessen is the German version of curling and it happens to be something that I hope to play one day in this exact spot.

It looked like it was several work groups that were there playing after work. We can only understand a little bit of what is going on, but we love to watch the game!

Enjoying gluhwein and watching Eisstockschiessen.

One of the best views at the Englischer Garten Market

All smiles at Ken's favorite Christkindlmarkt

We left the park and on the way was Hofbrauhaus, so we figured we should stop to enjoy a drink before calling it a night!

No matter how many times we go to Munich, we must stop by the Hofbrauhaus at least once each time!

Ken loves his one liter of dunkel!

I prefer wine, but love to take a sip of Ken's dunkel and of course, will never miss an opportunity to pose with a one liter!

We left the Hofbrauhaus feeling happy after our wonderful day in Munich, despite it being a rainy day!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christkindlmarkts 2023...Day 4: Regensburg

Regensburg has been on our list to visit for a while, but for whatever reason, we never have made it there until now! We traveled via the Bavarian Ticket. The train ride was around 1:40 from Munich. It was a very easy ride and we quickly found our way to the main market after we stopped off at the beautiful Regensburg cathedral. We always like to walk into churches in Europe and just marvel over the architecture. 

Regensburg Cathedral did not disappoint with its stunning architecture.

Once we arrived at the market, I found myself being quite impressed with the gluhwein and mug options. One of the gluhwein stalls had multiple mugs and they gave me a different style each time I ordered my rose gluhwein, which just for future reference is my favorite gluhwein!

Cloudy day at the Regensburg Christkindlmarkt

The Regensburg Dom is a gorgeous backdrop for the Regensburg Christkindlmarkt

Regensburg old town market

We arrived around lunchtime and one of our favorite things to do is try the different market food. Ken and I vary slightly on what we want to eat for lunch so the market options usually work out perfectly for us. Ken ended up with some type of a sandwich and my eyes went straight to the enormous pretzels with cheese and peppers.

I am not sure I could be any happier than I am in this photo. Christkindlmarkts in Germany, check. Delicious pretzel, check. Rose gluhwein, check. 

If you are wondering if I ate the entire pretzel, I did not. Ken had to help me finish it, which I think is one of his favorite parts about being married to me, getting to finish half of my food most of the time!

We walked from the old town market across the river and saw the Spital Brewery/Biergarten and knew we would be back later to enjoy the market and the brewery.

Beautiful Regensburg

In addition to the old town market, Regensburg is also well known for the Romantic Christmas Market that takes place at the Thurn and Taxis Palace. You pay a fee to enter, around 10 euros, and get to enjoy the palace grounds. I have to say, this was a very beautiful and unique market to experience. I am glad we got to see at dusk.

The market had several different areas with stalls. The inner courtyard housed the beautiful Christmas tree and ultimately had carolers singing after it got dark.

Thurn and Taxis courtyard

Courtyard market stalls. It was super charming.

Some of the outer ring stalls.

More Romantic Christmas Market stalls

It was pretty chilly while we were walking around. Some of the areas had fires going so we took advantage of that to warm up, along with gluhwein of course.

The market was so charming

The market proved to be even more picturesque at sunset.

The family that owns the palace still inhabits it

The Romantic market had only one option for gluhwein so you could return your mug to any of the stalls to get the deposit back. 

We did hear a lot more American English at this market than any of the others we have visited.

I always find that it is so difficult to convey the atmosphere in just a photo

I regret not buying one of the stars from this stall!

Happy girl with gluhwein

Taking in outer ring stalls before heading back to the courtyard

True love, a girl and her gluhwein

The stunning courtyard view

The perfect spot to enjoy a little gluhwein

I was freezing! The air was so damp that I felt so cold.

Ken found us a cozy spot where we enjoyed gluhwein and some candied nuts.

We left the market and walked across town to get back to the Spital Brewery which dates back to the 800's. Yes, 800's, not 1800's.  This brewery has a unique history as it was once part of a hospital because it was believed that beer had healing properties. 

The brewery does not usually sell mugs, but we were fortunate enough that the owner was feeling generous and allowed us to buy a mug to bring home.

In the summer months there is a biergarten overlooking the river outside of the brewery. In December, the biergarten is turned into a very cute Christkindlmarkt. It was really packed, but we obviously made sure we stopped for a gluhwein. 

One of the adorable stall (and all of the people)

We had a little time before catching the train back to Munich so we went back to the old town market for a bite to eat and a final gluhwein. 

This was the first market that I recall seeing the Heidelbeer Gluhwein.

We ended up closing down the old town market before hopping on the train to get back to Munich to end the night. We definitely enjoyed our time in Regensburg and will plan to visit in the summer so that we can enjoy the biergarten in all its glory!